Below is the last will and testament of Epaphroditus Drake and additional
information about his wife and children. Who were his parents? Was his
father William Drake of New Kent County, Virginia? Does anyone know if
there is a family relationship between Epaphroditus Drake and Epaphroditus
Howle who died about 1804 in New Kent County, VA? Epaphroditus Howle's
daughter, Nancy Howle, born 1861 in New Kent County, is thought to have
married a Drake and may have had a son named Tarleton Drake. Thanks in
advance for any responses. Tom Howle.

Hancock County, Georgia, Will Book N, Page 97.

Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary purposes, Monday January 2nd , 1832.
Present their honors:
Jack Crawford }
Gideon Holsey }
John G. Gilbert } Justices
Barnaby Shivers }

The last will and testament of Epaphroditus Drake late of this County
deceased being produced in Court and the due and legal execution thereof
being proved by the oath of John G. Gilbert one of the subscribing
witnesses thereto, and the sanity of the testator at the time of the
execution thereof being proved by said witness to the satisfaction of the
Court, it is ordered that said last will and testament be admitted to

Georgia, Hancock County.
In the name of God Amen. I Epaphroditus Drake being now in sound mind and
memory but weak in body, and believing that in the course of nature I shall
not remain here but a short time, do make this my last Will and Testament,
revoking all others which I may have made at any previous time, viz.

First. It is my will and desire that my lands be sold for the purpose of
paying all my just debts, and in case it should not be sufficient, to sell
such other part or parts of my estate as my wife Susan Drake may wish or

Item Second. I give and bequeath to my son John Drake one mare colt named
Frances, also one cow and calf, and one bed, bedstead, and furniture.

Item Third. I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Susan Drake all my
property of every kind that is not disposed of in this Will for her own
benefit in fee simple.

Item Fourth. I give unto my Son William Drake one dollar.
Item Fifth. I give unto my Son Pleasant Drake one dollar.
Item Sixth. I give unto my daughter Hannah Griggs one dollar.
Item Seventh. I give unto my Son Beverly Drake one dollar.
Item Eighth. I give unto my son Vines Drake one dollar.
Item Ninth. I give unto my daughter Lucy Griggs one dollar.
Item Tenth. I give unto my daughter Martha Drake one dollar.

Page 98.
It is my desire that my wife Susan Drake and my son John Drake be and they
are hereby appointed my Executrix and Executor to carry effect this my last
Will and Testament.

In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of October

Epaphroditus (his X mark) Drake {Seal}
Signed in presence of J. G. Gilbert, E. Phillips.

According to the 1850 Hancock County, GA, census, Susan Drake was 79 years
old born in Virginia, Beverly Drake was 50 years old, and John Drake was 40
years old.

According to Hancock County, GA, marriage records:
Beverly Drake m. Susan Griggs July 28, 1825.
Martha Drake m. Cargill Drake August 1, 1825.
Pleasant Drake m. Louisa Blankenship April 29, 1821.
Vines Drake m. Delpha Drake February 19, 1829.
Hannah Drake m.Thomas Griggs January 1, 1817.

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