Hi Nel,
 I checked and I have Obedience A. Hatcher listed as being born about 1810 as well, in the 1850 census she is listed as age 40.


>Hi Nel,
 >The oldest child I have for Branch Hatcher is Frances Epps Hatcher born about
>1810, Samuel B. Hatcher was born about 1814 these ages according to the 1850

Branch married Susanna P. Cogbill in 1817 so these children were of a first
marriage. So far we do not know whom his first wife was.

As the 1820 census went by ages and sex I am not sure that the possible adult
children you mention in that census were actually his children. The census does
not show relationship so perhaps they were other relatives or employees.

I have not yet seen any other children listed as Branch Hatcher's in any other
records so far.

God bless,
 [log in to unmask]

> Website: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/faq.htm
> List Admin: Hatcher email list
> Researching: Cook, Hall, Hatcher, Kuhns, Miller, Shepherd, Timberman
> HATCHER DNA Project: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/hatDNA.htm
> "Genealogy Without Documentation is Nothing" - Paul Drake
> Hi All,
> The following is an 1825 Court Order, ChesterfieldCo. The 1820 census
> indicates that Branch Hatcher had several older (non-minor) children. We
> have no names or history on these older kids.  There is no evidence Branch
> Hatcher left a will. What is the meaning of this record and why wouldn't
> adult children be involved?
> Thanks!
> Nel
> ---------------------------
> Susanna B. Hatcher widow of Branch Hatcher deceased Plt. against Frances E.,
> Obediance A., Samuel B., Mary E. P., Sally E., and Thursey H. Hatcher infant
> children of Branch Hatcher decd. by Parke Poindexter their grn. ___(?)
> Defts.} In Chancery
>      This day this cause came to be finally heard, upon the papers formerly
> read & the report of Commissioners made in pursuance of the decretal order
> pronouced herein which report is in the words and figures following to wit.
> Pursuant to the above order and decree to us directed, we the undersigned
> commissioners, with the assistance of the county Surveyor, have laid off,
> allotted and assigned to Susanna B. Hatcher widow of Branch Hatcher deceased
> One hundred and eighty acres of Land, as her right of dower in the lands of
> which said Hatcher died possessed.  Given under our hands & this 11th day of
> November 1823.  John Lafon, Thos Howlett, Wm Hatcher Senr.
> Chesterfield county to wit; 11th November 1823.  Pursuant to an order of
> Chesterfield county court I have surveyed for the estate of Branch Hatcher
> decd. One thousand and sixty eight acres and one hundredth and two pole of
> Land, and divided the same agreeably to the direction of the commissioners,
> as appears in the face of teh above plat at eighty poles to the inch.  D.
> Laprade  D. Sur.
> And to which there is no exception, and was argued by counsel On
> consideration whereof the court doth adjudge, order and decree that the said
> report be confirmed and forever established between the parties, and that
> the costs be borne by them according to their respective interests.
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