Hi Nel,
 The oldest child I have for Branch Hatcher is Frances Epps Hatcher born about 1810, Samuel B. Hatcher was born about 1814 these ages according to the 1850 census.

Branch married Susanna P. Cogbill in 1817 so these children were of a first marriage. So far we do not know whom his first wife was.

As the 1820 census went by ages and sex I am not sure that the possible adult children you mention in that census were actually his children. The census does not show relationship so perhaps they were other relatives or employees.

I have not yet seen any other children listed as Branch Hatcher's in any other records so far.

God bless,
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> Website: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/faq.htm
> List Admin: Hatcher email list
> Researching: Cook, Hall, Hatcher, Kuhns, Miller, Shepherd, Timberman
> HATCHER DNA Project: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/hatDNA.htm
> "Genealogy Without Documentation is Nothing" - Paul Drake
> Hi All,
> The following is an 1825 Court Order, ChesterfieldCo. The 1820 census
> indicates that Branch Hatcher had several older (non-minor) children. We
> have no names or history on these older kids.  There is no evidence Branch
> Hatcher left a will. What is the meaning of this record and why wouldn't
> adult children be involved?
> Thanks!
> Nel
> ---------------------------
> Susanna B. Hatcher widow of Branch Hatcher deceased Plt. against Frances E.,
> Obediance A., Samuel B., Mary E. P., Sally E., and Thursey H. Hatcher infant
> children of Branch Hatcher decd. by Parke Poindexter their grn. ___(?)
> Defts.} In Chancery
>      This day this cause came to be finally heard, upon the papers formerly
> read & the report of Commissioners made in pursuance of the decretal order
> pronouced herein which report is in the words and figures following to wit.
> Pursuant to the above order and decree to us directed, we the undersigned
> commissioners, with the assistance of the county Surveyor, have laid off,
> allotted and assigned to Susanna B. Hatcher widow of Branch Hatcher deceased
> One hundred and eighty acres of Land, as her right of dower in the lands of
> which said Hatcher died possessed.  Given under our hands & this 11th day of
> November 1823.  John Lafon, Thos Howlett, Wm Hatcher Senr.
> Chesterfield county to wit; 11th November 1823.  Pursuant to an order of
> Chesterfield county court I have surveyed for the estate of Branch Hatcher
> decd. One thousand and sixty eight acres and one hundredth and two pole of
> Land, and divided the same agreeably to the direction of the commissioners,
> as appears in the face of teh above plat at eighty poles to the inch.  D.
> Laprade  D. Sur.
> And to which there is no exception, and was argued by counsel On
> consideration whereof the court doth adjudge, order and decree that the said
> report be confirmed and forever established between the parties, and that
> the costs be borne by them according to their respective interests.
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