Below is a link to the Richmond.com Website. They have a nice article written about my research, and documentation. The article mentions the female line DNA test I took in 2003. One of my mothers cousins had a maternal line DNA test taken, and the results were interesting. My maternal line DNA showed 87% European, 8% Native, & 5% African. This female line is my Lewis line which resided in King George, Spotsylvania, Henrico, and Albermarle Counties (to name a few) during Colonial times. This particular line came from Breconshire Wales to Colonial Virginia. The DNA test matched the information I collected over a twenty year period. I had DNA cousins contact me from Wales, and all were related through the Lewis line.

My mothers cousins'(who is also a cousin to me) DNA test took the Lewis line to North Africa. The results of the test state that her maternal line roots were with the Berbers of North Africa (who were the Moors). This line of Moors came into Europe through the Iberian Peninsula,  through Germany, and France and then into England. From the Lewis family Historians I learned that the Lewis line came into Wales with King Arthur (or Arthur the Red). They were his Knights, and he rewarded them with their own kingdom (there is still an Isle of Lewis).


Who would have thought that a swab of spit could reveal so much.


Notes & Documents OF Free Persons Of Color: Four Hundred Years Of an American Families History;
http://www.cafeshops.com/leboudin.8596808, also available on CD ROM at:http://www.lulu.com/leboudin, and downloadable from site.

-- [log in to unmask] wrote:
Greetings, can anyone tell me the approximate distance and travel time
between these two places listed in the 1860 Virginia Census?

1.    Halifax Co, VA Southern District, Halifax Courthouse P.O.
2.    Halifax Co, VA Northern District, Scottsburg P.O.

Thanks in advance, Larry

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