In Cavaliers and Pioneers land patent books, is the a minimum age required
for a person to be named as acquiring land?

Here is the specific puzzle.   My ancestor Michael Vanlandingham died in
Northern Neck Virginia is 1676 (St. Stephens Parish register).   The same
parish register lists children born to Michael Vanlandingham (various
spellings including Flanagen of all things)as follows:
Francis born Dec. 13, 1666
Richard born August 6, 1662
Benjamin, born January 31, 1672

On page 195 of vol II of Cavaliers and Pioneers land patent transcripts are
found two entries:
1.  John Francis and Richard Vanlandingham, 293 acres, Rappa Co. April 30,
1679 for transportation of 6 persons, and
2.  Benjamine Vanlandingham, 160 acres, Rappa Co. April 30, 1679 for trans
of 3 negroes.

Families historians have pondered this.  If these are the sons of Micheal
mentioned in parish register and the parish entry dates are correct, they
would be minors.   Could minors obtain land patents this way?   Other
speculation is that there is another family line with the same first names
and these represent Francis, Richard, and Benjamin as adults and another set
of same name Vanlandingham's as minors.   Sounds unlikely.

At what age could people be named as obtaining land patents?

Another theory:  Since I think there was a time lag of about 6 years between
arrival and when land patent could be claimed for transporting people, could
these be patents for persons transported by Michael the father before his
death in 1676 and granted to his children in 1679 since they were "owed" and
Micheal was deceased?

Any help is appreciated.
Rich Fulton
Lewisville, TX.   (Vanlandingham, Wigginton, Northcutt, Moore, Dawson,
Allen, Slatten, among others from early Virginia)

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