I got a lot of good information out of the Annual Reports of the Virginia
Bar Association, which carried fairly extensive obituaries of many prominent
and mildly prominent Virginia lawyers.   We gave our set to the Appalachian
Law School at Grundy, Virginia.  One of the voumes has an index for the
preceeding years, which was great help to me.

If anyone knows how to research lawyers in DC in the 1890s, I would
appreciate a line.

Harry Langhorne

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Moring <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 3:20 PM
Subject: Info Source on Attorneys?

> Is there a directory or source for info about past attorneys in the state
> of Virginia? My Great Aunt Annie May Moring Fallwell (1892-1963) was,
> according to newspapers and family lore, the first female attorney in the
> Old Dominion. She apprenticed in a practice in Farmville and passed the
> w/o benefit of law school. I would like to find out more about her and her
> legal proceedings etc.
> Any help is as always GREATLY appreciated!
> Paul M.
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