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Good morning, records officers!  April is Records Management Month, and in and amongst the storms and the pollen, hopefully we all get a chance to celebrate it.  The Library of Virginia is recognizing it in a blog post on our Uncommonwealth blog, and we're also planning a special event on Tuesday, April 30:  a virtual Town Hall on the subject of electronic records.  I'll be talking about our Electronic Records Guidelines, newly revised as of this past fall, and we have secured a wonderful guest speaker in Mark Myers of the Texas State Library & Archives Commission.  If you've attended electronic records workshops through SAA you may be familiar with Mark - he's been an electronic records specialist since 2001 and presently is one of the administrators of the Texas Digital Archive.  

We have a flyer for the Town Hall on our web site, but the relevant details are:

Date:  April 30
Time:  11:00am - 12:30pm
Zoom Link for Meeting 

We hope that you can join us.  

As always, thanks for all you do, and happy Records Management Month!  


Chad Owen
Records Management Section Manager

800 E Broad St
Richmond VA 23219

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This list is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).