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Greetings VA-ROL Subscribers –


There are additions and updates proposed for the records series that cover grant projects on both the state and local Administrative and Fiscal General Records and Retention Schedules. The efforts of a small focus group from the Department of Accounts, Auditor of Public Accounts, and Department of Planning and Budget, plus research into how other states manage grant records, led to these proposals. Since they are general series that cover a broad range of the commonwealth, they are being made available for review.


The intent of the additions is to provide series that will cover grants that provide specific terms for how long the records of the project must be retained. Once those terms have been met, then the grant records are eligible for destruction, hence the “0 years” retention period. The updates to the existing series are being proposed to help better define and distinguish those series without terms.  For series that are being updated, if nothing changes from the current language (in black at the top of the column), then the corresponding field in the bottom “proposed” section is left blank. The state and local series are virtual mirrors of each other, and the only retention change is to an existing local “Awarded – Without Terms” series, which is proposed for 3yrs to match the state series and the cited Code of Federal Regulations.


The grants series found on Governor’s Cabinet (GS-100, State), College & University (GS-111, State), and Public Schools (GS-21, Local) remain intact and unaffected.


The spreadsheet containing the drafts may be downloaded for review via State and Local Grants Series.xlsx


If you have any questions or comments, please write them in the spreadsheet below the series in the respective column and return the spreadsheet to me via an email using this link by the close of business Wednesday, March 13.


Thank you,


- Glenn

Glenn T. Smith ~
 Records Management Analyst
Library of Virginia ~ 804-692-3604 ~ [log in to unmask]

Past President, Virginia Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators


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This list is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).