You are receiving this e-mail as a subscriber to the Virginia Records Officer Listserv (VA-ROL).

Good morning!

This message is to inform you that an update has been made to the general retention schedule GS-120(Health Records). There was a minor description language change to records series 005372 - Senior Programs: Non-Medical. The former language mentions SEVAMP as a program but the Dept of Aging and Rehabilitative Services informed us it needed to be changed to indicate "Older Americans Act" programs as the accurate language. The updated GS 120 retention schedule has been posted online.

As a reminder, the most current state and local general retention schedules are available on our LVA website at this link:

If you have any questions about the update to this schedule, please feel free to contact me directly OFF-LIST by using my contact information provided below.


Corey Smith
Records Analyst
Library of Virginia
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"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision". -Muhammad Ali

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