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Greetings All! 

By way of a semi-formal introduction, as of May I’m the Coordinator for the Records Management Section at the Library of Virginia, having come from 14 years as the records manager for the University of Louisville.  I’m still acclimating myself to the lay of the RM land in this commonwealth (with much gracious help from Corey Smith and Glenn Smith), and I’m excited for the opportunities ahead. 

An announcement I’d like to make is that, with the help of Corey, Glenn, Barbara Teague, and our Graphics staff, we’ve updated the introduction to the Guide to the Virginia Public Records Act. Just to clarify, there’s nothing that has changed in the Act itself. We’ve attempted to make the guide more concise and accessible to state officials and employees who have little to no background or training in records management.  Hopefully you will find it useful in relaying RM concepts to others in your agencies. The electronic version of the guide is available at

I look forward to working with you over the coming years! 



Chad Owen
Records Management Coordinator
Government Records Services
Library of Virginia
800 East Broad Street
Richmond VA 23219
Phone:  804-692-3807
Fax:  804-692-3603
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