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Good Morning!


At a Public School Records Consortium (PSRC) meeting that convened in January then in March, attendees discussed the possibility of combining records series relating to Examination Records. There are currently 11 records series listed on general retention schedule GS-21 that cover different types of Examination Records.


Of the records series, the PSRC group determined that two records series could be combined: Examination Records: Non-Standardized- Final Exams (series # 008179) and Examination Records: Non Standardized Exams- Other Exams (series # 008180).  These two records series have the same retention period with only one distinction. One records series relates to a final exam and the other record series relates to exams given throughout the year.  The two series have been combined to form a new series:  Examination Records: Non Standardized Exams- Routine and Final Exams (Series #200506).


The new series has been approved and added to the GS-21 retention schedule. The updated GS-21 schedule is now available on our website via this link:


Please feel free to contact me OFF LIST should you have any questions.





Corey Smith

Records Analyst

Library of Virginia


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"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision". -Muhammad Ali

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