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In light of the severe weather impacting the commonwealth, the Library of Virginia reminds state and local officials of the need for preparedness and disaster response planning for important public records in their offices.

Review your disaster preparedness plan to ensure that your office has safeguarded government records in its care.  If you do not have a current disaster plan, advice for handling wet records is available from the Northeast Document Conservation Center at:

You might also contact the Library of Virginia for advice or questions, or if you have records that have sustained water or other types of damage.  See the Library of Virginia's website for contact information in Records Emergencies:

We recommend that agencies and offices establish a relationship with a disaster recovery vendor before the need arises.  If you do not have an existing contact with a disaster recovery vendor, the National Archives and Records Administration maintains a list of vendors here:

Please do not throw away damaged government records without consulting the Library of Virginia.  We appreciate all of your efforts to preserve the records of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Thank you,

The Administration and Staff of the Library of Virginia

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