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Good Morning!


      Previously, LVA records analysts and a focus group consisting of state and local  government  Health and Human Service contacts began a complete schedule revision project for general retention schedule GS-120- Health Records.


     After much time and input, the schedule draft has been successfully reviewed in its entirety by the focus group and we now have a final draft ready for user feedback. This is the comment period where other personnel within state and local government can review the changes proposed by the focus group and provide additional feedback. The new schedule draft consists of approximately 68 records series that were revised; 50 records series that have been superseded by another records series; and 17 record series that are no longer created or used (defunct), for a total of 135 records series that were reviewed and discussed by the focus group.


    If you or anyone in your office work closely or directly with health records and would like to provide feedback on the GS 120 schedule draft, please feel free to contact me directly off list no later than the close of business on Thursday, October 23rd


   Also, please remember that while this schedule remains under revision, users of the schedule are to refrain from using any record series listed on this schedule for destruction per the Code of Virginia 42.1-86.1(A).  You can contact me off list should you have any questions.


    Thanks everyone!!


Corey Smith

Records Analyst

Library of Virginia


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"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision". -Muhammad Ali

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