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We are pleased to announce the latest local general schedule news:  GS-10 Fire & Rescue is now defunct and GS-17 Law Enforcement has a new name!

During the GS-10 revision, many of the series were made defunct in favor of existing series on GS-17, Law Enforcement.  Only six series remained, and the decision was made to add those series to GS-17 to form one schedule for all law enforcement and fire/emergency records.

GS-17 Law Enforcement, Fire and Emergency Services:

GS-10 users: revision guidance is available at the front of GS-17

GS-17 users: you won't notice much change, except the addition of a few more series

If you have questions about this schedule revision, please contact me off-list.



Jessie R. Graham
Records Analyst
The Library of Virginia
(804) 692-3802
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