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I am interested in speaking with other localities and state agencies that may have current contracts with document scanning/imaging vendors.  If you have engaged the services of such vendors and have a current contract, I would be interested in finding out additional information.

Please contact me directly (off the listserv) if you have a current contract with an imaging vendor.



Chad J. Doran, CRM

Chief Records Management Officer

Arlington County Government

Department of Technology Services


[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

The Vision of the Arlington County Records Management Program is: To provide leadership and direction to promote efficient and effective records management practices, to make records available to employees and constituents, to support knowledge sharing among departments and constitutional offices, and to inform decision making throughout the Arlington County Government.

Chad J. Doran, CRM

Chief Records Management Officer

Arlington County Government

Department of Technology Services


[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

The Vision of the Arlington County Records Management Program is: To provide leadership and direction to promote efficient and effective records management practices, to make records available to employees and constituents, to support knowledge sharing among departments and constitutional offices, and to inform decision making throughout the Arlington County Government.  To learn more, type http://records<http://records/> in your browser.

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