You are receiving this e-mail as a subscriber to the Virginia Records Officer Listserv (VA-ROL). # # Dear listserv members - 

The Virginia Coalition for Open Government, in conjunction with the Library of Virginia and the Freedom of Information Advisory Council, will be presenting a workshop, Wednesday, June 4, on records management and FOIA.

Since 2010, over 300 records officers and public information officers have attended our workshops, which feature records-management best practices, FOIA tips and strategies, and approaches to integrating them both to make your job easier.

This year we'll be in Fredericksburg at the Free Lance-Star offices on 616 Amelia St. The workshop runs from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and light refreshments will be available.

The cost is $15 per person, and you can either sign up by mailing in the attached form with a check, or by going online to register.

Please get all registrations in by Friday, May 30.

Questions? Please call Megan Rhyne at 540-353-8264 or email me at [log in to unmask].

Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested. I look forward to seeing you June 4.


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