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In our area the C.A. only has "working copies" of paperwork, which would be less significant since the "originals" are kept in the various clerk's offices under their retention schedules.  Since our retention schedule is longer than theirs I do not see an issue with them being able to destroy their "copies" of files.

Diane Mumford, Clerk
Lancaster County Circuit Court
(804) 462-5611 office
(804) 462-5035 direct
(804) 462-9978 fax
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-----Virginia Records Officer's Listserv <[log in to unmask]> wrote: -----
To: [log in to unmask]
From: Susan Marziani <[log in to unmask]>
Sent by: Virginia Records Officer's Listserv <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 06/26/2013 03:54PM
Subject: GS 12 Versus GS 13 Retention

You are receiving this e-mail as a subscriber to the Virginia Records Officer Listserv (VA-ROL). # #

Hello All,


I am writing to ask for your feedback as to whether or not you have issues or concerns with the difference between the stated retention periods of Commonwealth Attorney Records and those of Circuit Court Records as noted here.  If you would rather contact me off-list, please feel free to do so.


GS 12 – Circuit Court Records

Felony Files                        20 years or when sentence term ends

Non-Felony Files              10 years

Expungements                 3 years


GS 13 – Commonwealth Attorney Records

Felony Files                        10 years

Non-Felony Files              1 year

Expungements                 1 year


Thank you for your time.



Susan Marziani, IOAs  /ECMp 

Public Records Manager  City of Virginia Beach

2424 Courthouse Drive  |  Building 18  |  Virginia Beach, VA 23456

O (757) 385.8908  |  F (757) 385.5812 |  E [log in to unmask] 




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