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Now that GS-17 is finished it's time to tackle the yet-to-be-numbered general schedule for state law enforcement entities!

I anticipate borrowing heavily from the GS-17 so this process won't be totally from-scratch, though we will certainly need to make some additions and changes.  It should take approximately six months to complete this project and participants will be expected to meet in person and/or participate in conference calls at least six times during those six months.  Those serving on the focus group will also be expected to participate in ongoing email conversation.

I'm looking for 12 people, so if you're interested in serving on the focus group for the state law enforcement general schedule, please email me off-list at the address below.  If you have questions about the process please email me those off-list, too!

Thanks and I hope to hear from you,


Jessie R. Graham
Records Analyst
The Library of Virginia
(804) 692-3802
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