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Dear VA-ROL members,


We’re very excited to announce that Governor McDonnell has declared April to be Records Management Month! You can find the official proclamation at


We’ll celebrate throughout the month by posting to the listserv every Monday. Look for new tip sheets, information on professional organizations that can help you grow as a records manager, and an announcement about a new educational opportunity.


We’d also like to use this occasion to highlight the services of our State Records Center (SRC). Tours of the SRC are available Wednesday, April 10th and Monday, April 15th. Register for one of four tours at Registration instructions are attached.


Finally, on Thursday, April 18th at 10 AM, we’ll offer an online demonstration of Infolinx, the box management system used by SRC customers to enter and track their boxes. This demonstration will outline the steps to create a new box, file, and label. You can register for this demo at


We’d also like to encourage you to use this as an opportunity to educate management and staff in your agency on the value of good records management. Get on the agenda for the next Board of Supervisors meeting, offer training on completing the Certificate of Records Destruction (RM-3 Form), or send out an e-mail to staff reminding them of your role as their records officer. Then let us all know what you’re doing. You just might inspire someone else on the listserv!


Anita Vannucci

Records Analysis Section Coordinator

Library of Virginia



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