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As the Training Officer at our jail several years ago I had a major water supply line for the heating and cooling burst right over my office. I had to take all the wet records that were in my office and lay them out in a secure place to dry. Even though I had begun to utilize a computer to keep records it still took me a week to get things back to normal after the "Great Flood".

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On Jan 15, 2013, at 7:36 PM, "Schenian, Pam (DHR)" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

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I helped a co-worker dry out and piece together her records after she dropped her water sampling data in the moat at Fort Monroe and then was so frustrated after someone else helped her retrieve them that she balled them up, which ripped them all.


 I also explained to a co-worker before Isabel that the advice he was repeating to get our computers three feet off the floor when we were on the second floor of a building on a tall foundation made no sense, because we were more likely to have water damage caused by rain coming in from a roof breach and told all more co-workers how to secure their stations to minimum damage. I also explained to people in other buildings who had documents stored in basements and first floors that flooded how to keep their books and other records from getting mildewy after Hurricane Isabel.



From: Virginia Records Officer's Listserv [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Siddall, Kathy (DHP) [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 5:16 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Records Continuity Exercise

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Good Morning Everyone

Our Agency would like to do a Records Continuity Exercise.  I am writing to ask if any of you have experienced an actual records disaster and/or participated in a hard copy or physical records recovery.  By sharing a real event our hope is that the participants will get more personally invested in records recovery planning.  We will be using a water damage scenario.  If you have any experience or information to share we would love to have it.

Thank you



Kathy Siddall, MPA

Program Development & Implementation Manager

Department of Health Professions

9960 Mayland Drive Suite 300

Henrico, VA 23233

(804) 367-4559 Office

(804) 263-1348 BlackBerry


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