As s omeone who DO ES have Native American in both my father's and my mother's trees and something my grandmother tried to hide,  I am proud of this background! When someone asks how long my ancestors have been in the states, I reply 'most came just prior to the American Revolution and then some have been here longer than I will ever know!' Sure, the links are really far back - the 'pure' blood is pre-Revolution and even to the early founding of the Colony of Georgia when a young mixed blood Ensign Thomas Ayres was named as liasion to the Cherokee and Chickasaw for Oglethorpe, and I doubt if it was known that he was of mixed blood. This young man had as his 'consort' his mixed blood interpreter, and with her he had several children, although I will never be able to prove their names. Thomas died young and his consort, Mary Moore Ayres (she was also the granddaughter of Gov. Moore of S.C. through his son, James. 'married' an English trader, John Amory, and by him had another son - these children were raised by her 'white' family as Mary left for England (it is believed) with some of the Cherokee heirarchy, and it is believed she died there. It was only one generation before these children were White in the census, thus proving a lot of this information will never be 100% proven . However I have asked two gentlemen who have researched and written about the Cherokee for a very long time, if they thought I could add this information to a family history. Both answered they had always thought this was the correct 'line' and one , well published Georgia author said 'go for it'! Of course I intend to make sure that there is always a 'probably' - but its worth letting my family members know that they are related on our mother's and our father's sides to the same Mixed Blood (White with Cherokee) woman, Mary Moore Ayres Amory. 

As far as DNA - well, I wish I did not believe that it is a very important research tool since my brother's and cousins' DNA has proven that we are not related to those who we thought for many generations. However I would rather know and eliminate than keep on 'believing' what is not true. 

Sorry this is so long but I briefly covered two subject. 

----- Original Message -----

Subject: Re: [VA-ROOTS] Hollow Folk 

There is NO Native American in my "profile," and my ethnic background is   
not in question. However, I have done work for others who seem to have  some 
American Indian in their Family Tree. I will mention this to them, as the   
need arises. 
Thank you ! 

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