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Greetings Va-ROL Members,

Records Analysis Services is getting settled back in following our two week Records Management Road Show across the commonwealth.  Over 350 public records officers, managers, administrators, coordinators, and keepers attended the work shops, and most even participated.  The education went in both directions.  From what we heard from those on the front lines, and from meeting with representatives to a Local Records Work Group, Records Analysis is endeavoring to improve upon the services and tools we provide our customers.  We're starting small and working up.

From the Records Management Home Page

The "Retention Schedules" pages, for both localities and state agencies, have been reorganized by function/departments so that the schedules are more easily identified by sight.  We still encourage the use of the searchable database, to which there is a link at the top of each schedule page.  

Now there is a link on both state and locality schedule search pages that will take you to an audible video, providing you with more tips on how to use the search function.

Back on the RM Home Page, clicking on the "State Records Center" link will show you changes made to the SRC page. The fees have been removed from this page and placed in a document under the "Fees" link, which will make it easier for you to share that information. 

Also, from either the SRC page or the RM Home Page, the "Infolinx" link will take you to "Instructions for State Records Center customers"  where you will find the new SRC Infolinx instructions.  Infolinx is still down at the moment, but a review of these updates will be helpful for those who will use the system when it's back on-line.

Just FYI - all three Records Analysts will be hitting the road for the VAGARA conference in Roanoke this afternoon, so if you would hold any non-urgent calls until our return Friday, that would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Glenn Smith
Records Management Analyst
Library of Virginia

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