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As you probably know, Hurricane Sandy is predicted to arrive in the Commonwealth this weekend. Please take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of yourself and your work areas, but also remember to check on your records storage areas to ensure that everything remain as safe and dry as possible.  At a minimum, think about where plastic sheeting placed over records vulnerable to roof and window leaks could be especially helpful and then cover those areas before you go home for the weekend.

Damage can also occur if your facility loses power for any length of time, as poor air circulation, along with wet conditions outside, can lead to mold growth inside. If you suspect mold growth, please do not touch any material with your bare hands, but wear gloves and other protection, and then only if you have to handle the records. It is best not to handle any mold-contaminated material at all, but rather contact your agency's emergency response personnel.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your records analysts. We can provide assistance with documenting damage, guidance on how to recover or assess damaged records, and, if you do not have a contract with a recovery agency, we can point you in the right direction to begin a recovery process.  Also, please remember the Library's State Records Center is equipped with a blast freezer that can assist with stabilizing water-logged records until the recovery process is initiated.

If you have any urgent concerns or have gone through an event with which you need help, please call Records Analysis at (804) 692-3705 during regular business hours or (804) 687-4843 or (804) 840-6006 after hours.

Keep dry!

Anita Vannucci
Records Analysis Section Coordinator
Library of Virginia<>

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