First this may be a case of the blind leading the blind but....I am working
on two lines with DNA from myself and my first cousin--Paternal line and
maternal line since he is a male descendant of my mothers father.
The two books that were recommended to me as a beginning are
Trace Your Roots with DNA by Smolenyak and Turner   2004.
DNA & Genealogy by Fitzpatrick and Yeiser 2005

You SHOULD subscribe to several of the e-mail list on DNA. Now let me
quickly say you and I for the most part, even on the newbie DNA list, are
floundering.  The only way is read and start putting together the pieces
you understand and build your knowledge base.

My problem is so many of the people are interested in taking it back 5000
years and I, at present, am only interested in going back maybe 400 years.

ON my maternal side we have a good match DNA wise but we have not connected
on the paper side. The two are complimentary--can't do one without the
On my paternal side we have a surprise--a NPE. Now a number of us are
working to figure out who is the most likely participant from our NEW

Remember--Don't ask the question if you can't stand the answer!

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Joanne Thorne <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Can anyone recommend a book that would help?
> Thank you.

Douglas Burnett
Satellite Beach

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