You are receiving this e-mail as a subscriber to the Virginia Records Officer Listserv (VA-ROL).

Hello, in reply to your email, our school division(Henry County Public
School system) has a separate office for school records(Records Dept.) and
that is where students come to get their transcripts unless it is two years
after they graduate.  If it is less than two years after they graduate then
they must return to their school to get the transcript.  The school keeps
the cum files for two years after the student graduates and then transfer
them to our office.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Donna Kroiz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> You are receiving this e-mail as a subscriber to the Virginia Records
> Officer Listserv (VA-ROL). # #
> Good Morning--When former students request copies of their transcripts in
> person, do they go to your school division's central administrative office,
> or do they go to a separate satellite office for student records?
> Thanks--Donna
> Donna Kroiz
> Student Records Department, LCPS
> 21000 Education Court
> Ashburn, VA 20148
> 571-252-1180
> 571-252-1627 (FAX)
> [log in to unmask]
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, change options, or subscribe, please see the instructions
> at (If using Netscape, must
> have version 6.1 or higher to view the above page)


Eva Wade
Records Officer/Mgr.
Henry County School Records Department*

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