HATCHER website: http://hatcherfamilyassn.com
HALL DNA project: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/hall/HDNAtest.htm
When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question,  "How would the Lone Ranger have handled this?" - Unknown

Now that Sam has opened the door, I'm going to ask my stupidest question ever.

I KNOW there are birth, death, marriage recs and a whole lot more on the LVA site. But over the years the site has gone thru changes, I've lost URLs and now I can no longer find ANY of these records. I give up in frustration trying to search thru a variety of links on the site that get me nowhere.

The only dbase for which I currently have a direct URL are the chancery records.

I should mention that when I search, I always search for surname only and not specific individuals.

Can anyone provide direct URLs or simple instructions to find the following dbases/records?


Have I omitted any that would be of value in geney research?

Thanks bunches!
Nel Hatcher

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