Hello Cuzins, Listmates and lmonitors...

got a few questions - hope some of you have in your Virginia research encountered these and can help me..

1.  During the period (1896 - 1912) when Virginia did not (per staute)  collect/report births and deaths, I am aware that some localities did continue to do so.  

First question - are these records for births 1896 - 1912 included  with a search for a birth record through the Virginia Department of Vital Records - or must one search either the microfilm and/or original registers in those localities?  I am interested in someone's first hand experience if possible.  

Second question - If a substitute for a record at birth is done later, such as an affidavit, or delayed birth certificate, will they show up in the "normal search" or are they included in a separate indexing?

Alice in Fluvanna


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