HATCHER website: http://hatcherfamilyassn.com
HALL DNA project: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/hall/HDNAtest.htm
When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question,  "How would the Lone Ranger have handled this?" - Unknown

Janice has hit upon my original thoughts on the meaning of "including his settlement" in this land grant.

"The original material sounded to me as if the acreage included a parcel of land already his by right of a decision, legal suit, legatee of a will etc."

And if this "settled land" did indeed refer to an inheritance, that would have provided another avenue of research in the probate records for me.

I had done a full search of the LVA Northern Neck Grants and found loads of grants for the members of the Zane family but with only a few containing the "settlement" phrase.

But while it now appears to have a different meaning, thanks to so many of you, at the very least I now know the year each of them first settled on their land.

And as is often the case when presenting a question to this list, I picked up even more info I'd never heard before - tomahawk claims being one of them.

Always an informative discussion from this list - many thanks to all who joined in!

Nel Hatcher

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