The admixture test can be done at AncestryByDNa at . Cost is around $250.00. There are other companies who can give 
an ethnic mixture as well. Problem with this test is that a person doesn't inherit equal amounts of their parents or their ancestors DNA. 
So some companies don't think it is very reliable. There is a 25% + or - error ratio. I have had this test as well as Y and MTDNA testing 
done. Another issue with admixture testing is the results of East Asian versus Native American. Some say they can mean the same thing, 
some say there are 2 different and distinct readings.

As for Emmitt Smith's DNA results and the program in general, it was not as accurate as it could have been or as informative. I think he 
tested with Ancestry and 23AndMe just because of the Ancestry sponsorship and involvement. When it comes to DNA testing, Ancestry is not 
as specific as other testing companies. FTDNA is offering a Family Finder test that will help a person find their family members. What is 
negative about this is that they do not have a huge database at this point. They just started offering it in March. Cost for those who 
previously tested with them is around $250. Not sure what the cost is for first time testers.


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