HATCHER website: http://hatcherfamilyassn.com
HALL DNA project: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/hall/HDNAtest.htm
When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question,  "How would the Lone Ranger have handled this?" - Unknown

Excellent summary, Steve!

"You can do your best, but that is just it, YOUR best."

And some people's "best" is entirely dependent on experience and ongoing interest. Note the many files on WC that haven't been updated since 2000-2008.

From my own experience dealing with more ancient ancestry, your analysis is only as good as your last found document. The next doc you find may tip your apple cart and cause major revisions to your tree. Does that mean I'm careless? I hope not.

When considering the pre-computer handicaps earlier researchers dealt with, I can clearly see how serious errors crept into family trees, histories and books.

I tired long ago of trying to get corrections made to garbage files and gave up after realizing I'm only wasting the time I could be putting to research. Our answer to the garbage is to have our files online with every scrap and tidbit of documentation we can find. Eventually serious researchers will find us and get at least some semblance of truth - at least until that next revealing doc is found!

Steal our research?? Go for it, dude!! We luv it! Copy those doc images and pics. Take the transcriptions. Spread the word! Just don't think you're going to publish it as yours. 'Cause we have a great lawyer :-)

Nel Hatcher

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