On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Bill Davidson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> If one man was a witness on a marriage bond in 1798 in VA, and
> another man provided surety on that same marriage bond, from that
> information alone, can one determine which man was the father of the
> bride (assuming that one of the men was, in fact, the bride's father)?  I
> have a case where a widowed woman was getting married for the
> second time (and the last name used on the marriage bond was her
> married name versus her maiden name...and her maiden name has not
> been proven).  One man served as a witness and another man provided
> surety (and these two men had different surnames).  Which one was
> likely the father of the bride (again...assuming that one of them really
> was her father...which I suspect)?  Thanks.
> Bill,

It's possible that neither man was the father of the bride.  Usually both
parties to the marriage bond were represented by family members but not
always.  And often the bride's family member was a brother rather than her
father. If the bride was underage (which she probably isn't in this case as
she is widowed ), a parent or guardian would have to consent. So if the
bride was of legal age, she could sign her own consent. It will take more
research to determine the relationship of the two men to the bride, but it's
likely that one of them is related.

Laurie McKenna

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