As the administrator of the Langford/Lankford DNA project, I am in total
agreement with your advise to have the 67-marker test. It is the best money
one can spend. Someone you match may have a better paper trail than you and
can share material to assist in finding your common ancestor.

We have also discovered thaf families of the same surname living as
neighbors were not related and now 200 years of kinship is being rewritten.
The haplogroups were very different with one family group being a very rare
group as opposed to the familiar R1b1 of most of Europe.

Of further intrigue is that we also have a match with two related men of a
different surname and are trying to find the cause of the parental mystery.

After reading Albion's Seed, I feel that one of the Langford men done it.
If anyone has not read this excellent study of Colonial America and
especially Virginia, you will profit from a purchase of this book. I have my
copy dog-eared and refer back to it often.

Another good read, which may still be on-line is the Secret Diary of William
Byrd. That man did go visting.....!

A study of society in 1600, 1700 and 1800 helps to understand our ancestors
in their time and place.

Now we are all saving gobs of money by not travelling a road to nowhere.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Jim Harlow <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> ladies and gentlemen
> I've been following this thread and remain chagrined.  Unless you perform
> 67 allele testing,
> and certain SNP tests, you will not know if you are, or are not, part of
> the family with which
> you harbor a history.
> As an example - my 67 allele test shows a close
> match between my family and the Bowles family.
> However, after contacting an expert geneticist we discovered that we had a
> common ancestor,in
> Iberian Peninsula, roughly 800 years ago.  To be
> clear, we had EXACT DNA matches at 12,25, and 37
> Allele testing.
> Now, in light of the foregoing, do not rule out
> the possibility of a common ancestor many centuries earlier or an adoption
> - adoptions
> without paperwork happened all the time -
> especially with sea-going families who possessed
> an infant.  If you find a complete mismatch in
> the haplotypes of Y-DNA then do not rule out the
> notion of an adoption or a common ancestor within
> the last 1,000 yearas.  Many adults have the
> strength of character not to tell their adopted
> kids that they were adopted as infants - and they
> stuck to it.
> Don't be so quick to jettison a rich heritage just
> because an emerging scientific discipline provides
> a fact that is contrary to your years of genealogical research.  The
> discipline of DNA
> research and analysis is still young; there is
> much that we do not yet know.
> Jim
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"She is insane, of course. The family history has become a mania for her."
Hercule Poirot


This project includes Lankford spelling also.

"Truth and reason are eternal. They have prevailed. And they will
eternally prevail; however, in times and places they may be overborne
for a while by violence, military, civil, or ecclesiastical."
--Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson, 1810

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