HATCHER website: http://hatcherfamilyassn.com
HALL DNA project: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/hall/HDNAtest.htm
"One of the tragedies of life is the murder of a beautiful theory by a brutal gang of facts" - La Rochefoucauld


To repeat the only wording I have on this:

"Hatcher Levy free On the Petition of William Hatcher and for Reasons appearing he is Exonorated from the Payment of Public & County Levies for the Future"

You asked:
"Was Hatcher Levy a slave?"

I had not interpreted that wording as a name. I had interpreted it as Wm Hatcher being free of the levy based on his own petition.

Levy or Levi is a name never found in this Hatcher family. But I have no way of knowing whether we're dealing with a slave since this record and a deed 8 yrs later are the only 2 Lunenburg recs found for Wm Hatcher.

And with only these 2 recs, I may be asking the impossible in trying to figure out what is going on here :-)


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