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My father was born to  Hattie Harvey and spent the first 5 or 6 years of 
his life near Seneca Rocks.  We recently visited his home place. I'm not sure 
exactly what the area is  called, but just this past weekend, my father 
returned there for the first  time in over 20 years to take his children to the 
land where he grew up. I  know that we took a road across from the 4U Motel, 
followed it past a small  white church at the base of a rock outcropping, 
and parked at a gate where we  continued on foot through a meadow with a 
dilapitated barn, on an overgrown  path to a site at the bottom of some 
foothills. The home was no longer  standing, but my dad vividly remembers details of 
its layout.

Here's  where I need help. My grandmother Hattie was adopted by a woman I 
believe was  named Ida. Harvey is my grandmother's maiden name, but that is 
absolutely all  I know of her family. Oh, and I believe she may have had 
several brothers and  sisters. We do not know who they are or why the children 
were given up for  adoption. My father also knows very little of his paternal 
heritage, as his  father died young and was not active in my dad's 
upbringing. I believe his  surname was Hedrick. He may have been named Harmie (or 
this could be my dad's  grandfather's name). I know that my dad is also 
somehow related to the  Harmons/Harmans of the Seneca Rocks area. My dad is very 
tight-lipped about  his family history, but this may be because he knows very 
little of it. Do any  of these names or circumstances sound familiar? Can 
anyone help me to piece  together my family's past. My brothers and I are 
very curious about our roots  and believe this kind of knowledge would do my 
dad a world of go!
If anyone  has any information, please feel free to respond to this thread 
or email me at  [log in to unmask] Thank you so much for your time and  

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