For once in my adult life ..... I am ashamed to be affiliated with a  
specific group.
Some of You  need to grow up just a little bit  !!!
PERSONNALLY............. I wonder if your ancestors are rolling over in  
their graves asking  "WHat  the...."             They KNOW you were taught better 
than this!!

I don't care WHAT your political or RELIGIOUS views are on  ANYTHING !!!!!!!! 
              (no one else does either!)
I really couldn't care LESS about you and what you think about on any  given 
daily basis! What you may have to SHARE on FAMILY related topics  IS why I 
come to this site
That is  why we are ALL  here..... Sharing our Family line and  what THEY 
endured  ..... NOT YOU and your  thoughts on any given subject!
I only care about what is relevant to this site ...
  Let's stick to the subject!! 
You are beginning to sound like a bunch of 3 year olds (and  "yes I  can".... 
"No you can'ts!")
Get back to the subject of the ones who made us proud to say  who we  are and 
what we are!!!!!!!!!
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