Dear List - This is a great item for discussion as probably 90% or our ancestors during the time period in which we are looking at raised Tobacco not only in VA but all of the Southern states.  They had slaves to work the fields and what ever they made on the sale of the Tobacco was pretty much profit.  I think the quality of the weed solely depended on the soil in which it was grown.  The "Black" bottom or river land was considered the best soil and since not all of the farmers were so privileged to own such valuable land they would have to grow a much larger crop than the farmer with the rich soil to make up for the difference in QUALITY.  So I don't think you can put a real hard answer to this question.  So many things have to be considered before you can put a handle on the exact value of the crop no matter what condition the farmer's crop is viewed.  Yes, they DID absolutely pay bills, taxes, etc.etc. with the actual crops they grew.  I have proof of this in many different sale items.  How many times have you heard of the good Dr. receiving a fat roasting hen after tending to a sick family member?  It made no difference whether it was a chicken - a bale of hay or hemp or any other product grown on the farm.  Can't remember who started this discussion but I thank you who ever you are.

Best wishes, fern

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