Hi again,
 Apparently I was misled, the only year they have right now for "The Times-Dispatch" is 1910 and then only 4 months for that year.
I guess it was too good to be true!

God bless,
[log in to unmask]

-------------- Original message from [log in to unmask]: -------------- 

> Hi all, 
> In case you did not know about this the Library of Congress has a newspaper 
> database at: 
> http://www.loc.gov/chroniclingamerica/ 
> It is called "Chronicling America," it is still in Beta form. 
> The only Virginia newspaper so far is "The Times-Dispatch" of Richmond, the 
> years for this paper on there right now range from 1903-1914. 
> The search keywords you sue in your searches are highlighted on the pages which 
> is a great help. 
> They also have several Washington, D. C. papers and some from other states. 
> I was told the newer the pc you have the quicker the pages will load, but I can 
> use it on a new pc or my old desktop and they seem to load just fine. 
> Have fun with it! 
> God bless, 
> Beth 
> [log in to unmask] 