In August Co. VA court records of 21st October, 1765. is this item:
  "Sale bill recorded of William Culberts, by Wm. Gilmore, administrator, to, viz:. . . "(followed by a list of 28  names.)

  Bit of background:  William Culbert was killed in the Kerr's Creek  Indian attack of 1763  At the time of his death, he owed money to William Gilmore, and the county government allowed Gilmore to be the administrator of Culbertson's estate in order to be reimbursed for the debt.

  Qs:  Is this "sale bill" what it appears to be, the report of a sale and those who made purchases?  Does it mean the people who were named were present at the sale?  Or does  "sale bill" refer to a legal term, as in "Bill of sale?"

  Thank you,


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