HATCHER website: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/faq.htm
HATCHER DNA project: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/hatDNA.htm
Researching: Cook, Hall, Hatcher, Miller, Shepherd, Timberman
"Genealogy without Documentation is Nothing" - Paul Drake

And I am delighted to know I'm not losing my mind. Out of desperation last
nite I went into Steve and Bunny's site hoping to find at least the text
list of people in HenryCo. When the names came up, I stupidly clicked a name
expecting the "page not found." Wah-lah!! The image came up! After I picked
my jaw off the floor, I tried PittsCo. Big :-(  No images. So I just assumed
they forgot to disconnect the Henry images and considered myself lucky.

So I will claim to be the very first person to use and enjoy our new good

I and many others will be thrilled to have this site back - thank you, thank

Nel Hatcher

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