HATCHER website: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/faq.htm
HATCHER DNA project: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nhatcher/hatDNA.htm
Researching: Cook, Hall, Hatcher, Miller, Shepherd, Timberman
"Genealogy without Documentation is Nothing" - Paul Drake

Janet Crain wrote:
"Did you put your GED-COM on WorldConnect? Those trees are now being linked
to Ancestry as One World Trees. I am not crazy about this, but I have left
my up as I hope to reach more people this way. I am not sure you have to pay
to see them on Ancestry."

One World Tree is a subscription service which raises a question regarding
WorldConnect trees "being linked" to Ancestry/OWT. The WorldConnect policy
as described by Rootsweb states that WC contributions are the property of
the submitter and is thus protected by copyright and that RW will not sell
to anyone what does not belong to them.

Nel Hatcher

To subscribe, change options, or unsubscribe please see the instructions at