The Lorain County Ohio mailing list had the following message on their
list today..I thought it might be of interest to someone who doesn't know
where to place their family history.

I just wanted to remind you of this service.  The library will copy
your unbound genealogical work in return for preserving that
information in their library. What a deal! Read on...

Kurt Witcher wrote:
I want to take this opportunity to remind you of a long-standing
service of the
Allen County Public Library.  For many decades, individuals who have
had a desire to officially publish their genealogical work have sent
unbound "master copy" to the Historical Genealogy Department.  In
exchange for the privilege of allowing us to make one photocopy for
our collection, we provide the compiler of the work with one
complementary, bound photocopy for his or her collection in addition
to returning
the original master.

It is a great way to make sure your work is preserved and available
for future generations of researchers.  In addition, having a copy
at our
library ensures your work is secure from any disaster that might,
heaven forbid, befall your personal library.  What to do with the
copy?  How about a "draft" book to pass around at the next family
for others to comment upon and update?  Or a little surprise gift
for the
relative or family friend who really helped you out?
If you are interested in taking advantage of this service, just mail

your unbound "master copy" to Steve Myers, Assistant Manager,
Historical Genealogy Department, P. O. Box 2270, Fort Wayne, IN
Include a note that simply reads, "Photocopy Exchange Program."
You'll be glad you did--and we will certainly be glad you did!

Sue Strick, Lorain County Coordinator for OHGenWeb
Lorain County Genealogy Page,
L.C. Mailing List,


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