To me "prickly" connotes that they would not be easily pushed aside, or
moved.  Surely we have all known someone like that?  Someone who won't
let you placate them and only gets more "prickly" the nicer you try to
be?  Like a burr in a dog's coat.  Very hard to remove!


[log in to unmask] wrote:

>a : TROUBLESOME, VEXATIOUS <prickly issues> b : easily irritated <had a
>prickly disposition
>Main Entry: prick·ly
>Pronunciation: 'pri-k(&-)lE
>Function: adjective
>Inflected Form(s): prick·li·er; -est
>Date: 1578
>1 : full of or covered with prickles; especially : distinguished from related
>kinds by the presence of prickles
>2 : marked by prickling : STINGING <a prickly sensation>
>3 a : TROUBLESOME, VEXATIOUS <prickly issues> b : easily irritated <had a
>prickly disposition>
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