Hello All,
I came home to find a a list like I have never seen before! What happened
here? This is great. We have come together with the energy and forsight
that our ancestors had. I was totally in awe.
I was reading  some of the suggestions and I have one too. It might be
worthwhile to list some of the resources we own too. In the last few days
on another research list I have helped 4 people with some of the info they
wanted with books I happen to own . It was on the Washington Co. Va list
on Roots-L. I think we all realize that none of has has a lot of time to
answer other peoples research quiries but let it be understood that we
will try and help when time allows and if the request isn't too involved.
What do you think of this suggestion?
Also, I post my quiries on my brick walls about every three months. I do
this because not everyone is on line every time I post or they miss it.
Last weekend I posted a quirie I have been posting for a long time(over a
year) and got three new responses from people who have posted themselves
over that time but didn't see my past post. I don't want to fill the site
up with alot of duplicates but not all read the archives either. I live in
Oregon and enjoy this list, its one of my favorites. Lets keep the good
attitude and help one another...just as our ancestors would have.

Georga Foster

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