AUSTIN FAMILY genealogists from around the United States (and England) will
be meeting in Richmond, Virginia on 20-22 June 2003 for the 2003 National
Austin Convention, sponsored jointly by the Austins of America Genealogical
Society (AOAGS) and the Austin Families Association of America (AFAOA).

Workshops and Talks will help those with AUSTIN-AUSTEN-OSTEN, etc. roots to
trace them further back. Seasoned genealogists and the world's largest
collection of Austin historical and genealogical data is available at this
convention, and we are eager to help you discover your Austin roots. Bring
along your old Austin portraits for scanning to disk to preserve them for
future generations.

The Convention will be held at the Richmond Crowne Plaza Hotel, 555 East
Water Street, Richmond. For Convention details follow this URL:

and click on the Convention Logo to view the Agenda and to download the
Registration Form. We hope to see you there!

... Dr. Mike Austin, AOAGS Director

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