> My ggg grandfather, John N. Huffman, served in Company F, 30th Battalion
> Sharpshooters, the first of my ancestors to be documented in this type of
> outfit. Because of this, I have a couple questions. Did a Battalion of
> Sharpshooters always accompany the same corresponding Infantry regiment
> battle? Did the soldier initially enlist in an infantry unit, only to be
> transferred to a Sharpshooters unit when  his marksmanship became evident?

According to a history of firearms that I own the term "Sharpshooter" was
coined after a Union Army group that was outfitted with the ledgendary
Sharps rifle. The unit was known as So-and-so's Sharps Shooters and they
awed both North and South in the speed and accuracy of their rifle fire.
Sharpshooter soon became the term to identify a rifleman with an uncanny

If anyone would like the unit commander's name, dates or other info I would
be happy to dig out the book and cite a bit of detail.

Michael Wright
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