Hi all,
 I have been transcribing and posting some letters to Santa from 1910
newspapers to a few Rootsweb mailing lists recently. The one below I found
particularly a gem.

 This is from "The News Leader," Richmond, Va., Saturday Afternoon, December
10, 1910 issue, page 5.

 Dear Santa Claus; I am a little girl twelve years old and I will tell you what
I want I want a new doll wig, I want it black curls, a pair of tan shoes for my
doll and bring me a red sweater and a red stocking cap to match it, and a pair
of rubbers, number 13 1-2 and a pair of leggins, I don't care what color just
so they are pretty; and some brown hair ribbon, and some school handkerchiefs
and some games and a pair of kid gloves for school, I want them with long tops
come over my cuffs, and a pair of house slippers with fur on the top of them,
some fireworks and please leave me a large Christmas tree and anything nice you
see suitable for me, and please put some candy and nuts in my stocking and also
put me a little doll with long hair, platted, you can get them over at Mes.
Beals store, It is on 25th and Venable street; they always sell things cheap,
and have very nice ones.
             LOUISE STEINBACH.

God bless,
    Beth :)
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