Happy Thanksgiving Day to All!

Just a reminder that there are two web sites devoted to Prince George
County, VA, History and Genealogy.
Prince George County, VA, AHGP
Prince George County VaGenWeb

If you haven't seen the "How to Find Your Family" page, it's linked to the
AHGP page.

Your help is always needed and welcome. So if you have Prince George
documents to share, or you would like your Prince George pages linked,
please contact Eve Gregory at  [log in to unmask]

For Surry County, VA, research there are two web sites that can help you.
Surry County, Virginia, Historical Society and Museums, Inc.
Surry County VaGenWeb

The "How to Find Your Family" page is linked to the Surry County VaGenWeb
page. New information is added often. If you have Surry research to share,
please contact Eve Gregory at [log in to unmask] Your help is needed and
very welcome.

And I must say that Steve and Bunny Binns are doing a SUPER job with their
on line tax records. Thank you, Steve and Bunny!

Happy Hunting!
Eve S. Gregory, Web Mistress
Surry County, Virginia, Historical Society and Museums, Inc.
Surry County VaGenWeb

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