Website: Hatcher Families Resource Center
List Admin: Hatcher email list
Researching: Cook, Hall, Hatcher, Kuhns, Miller, Shepherd, Timberman
The HATCHER BOOKS are now available - Edward, Henry, and Benjamin
For more info:
"Genealogy Without Documentation is Mythology"

Good morning, all!

I now know that Littleton Parish, originally part of Cumberland, became part
of PowhatanCo in 1777. I have a Hatcher who lived and died in Littleton
Parish, yet his will dated 1782, probated 1783 was recorded in CumberlandCo
and NOT Powhatan.

Was there a time lapse here, even though Powhatan was officially a county,
that Powhatan residents still recorded their legal records in Cumberland? If
so, at what date were records officially recorded in Powhatan? Were there
reasons why certain records would not be recorded in the county of residence
(excepting deeds wherein both parties may not have lived in the county)??

Hope someone has some answers :-)


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