Hi Scott,
  Information on the death records depends on the
informant. And how much they knew.

 If you have the names of her siblings perhaps checking
marriage and/or death records for them and seeing how
the parents are listed would be an idea. See how many
variations of her father's name are given.

 When getting someone a death certificate from the
1920's one time, the lady I got it for wondered how come
the deceased did not know his parents? I had to tell her
he could not have been the informant. : )

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> I've heard that the 1853+ county death registers are very unreliable as
> to the names of the parents of the deceased.  The death register entry
> for my ancestor, Nancy, in Albemarle Co. (1864) says that her parents
> were John and Mary Martin.  Other evidence, however, indicates that her
> father was one Shadrack Martin (complicated by the fact that Shadrack
> also used the surname Henderson).
> Based on the experience of list members with this aspect of the death
> registers, would you conclude that the death register is probably
> incorrect as to the name of Nancy's father (there being no other
> evidence, as far as I have found, that her father was named John), or
> is it more likely that the evidence needs to be reconciled, possibly by
> concluding that Nancy had both a father and a stepfather?
> Thank you.
> Scott Simpson
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