Hello List:
I am mostly an observer on this list, but I was made aware of the
publication mentioned below, and would like to find a copy of same.

Any ideas?

My documented John Thom[p]son left a will dated 1791, probated, 1792 in
Campbell Co. VA
His children are named in the will; one of his dauhgters is my ancestor.

I have had some good help to surmise that he is the son of the Rev. John
Thomson, a Presbyterian minister educated in Glasgow and serving in PA
and VA parishes before the revolution.

I am also advised that there is a publication called "Some descendants of
the Rev. John Thomson"  by a Dr. Herndon.  Any ideas where I might come
across a copy of that?

Thanks for any help!

Larry A. Whinery
researching Whin*ery,Perkins, Ruddick, Farr, Amos, Wallace, Thompson,
Prible, Sliger, Gordon, et al for Larry;
and Mills, Wildunner, Webster, Luckett, Ball, Highlander, Ford,
MacAlpine, Harrison, McGahey, for Nancy.

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